Cure coparent conflict with this free guide

Have the conversations that move you from conflict to collaboration. Get the strategies and scripts to take you there!

Download your free CURE COPARENT CONFLICT GUIDE to start now.

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Happily Ever After 2.0 starts here

Divorce is a powerful threshold. As we cross over from partnered to single, we leave a way of life and an identity behind—and often so much more.

I believe these losses give us an unprecedented opportunity. To know ourselves more authentically. To heal ourselves more deeply. When my marriage ended, I leaned into the pain and used it to learn, grow, and reconstruct my sense of self and family. You can, too.

Radical Divorce gives you a vast library of tools, strategies, and insights for living your best life. I’m so glad you’re here! Let's make divorce your launchpad for Happily Ever After 2.0.

6 Sacred Practices of Radical Divorce

  • Make your kids' well-being your North Star

    Finding a positive and peaceful way through divorce is the best investment you can make in your kids’ future—and your own.

  • Move from complaint to desire

    Everything you don't want holds the key to what you DO want. Start there.

  • Say "Thank you" (and mean it)

    Gratitude is the path to resilience. It sustains a spirit of collaboration. And it keeps us focused on all that’s going right. This makes more room for more things to go right.

  • Choose happiness

    Blame keeps you stuck. Self-responsibility sets you free. No one can make or take your happiness but you.

  • Use what hurts you to heal you

    You can get through it or grow through it. When you focus on evolving, what hurt you can also help heal you. That makes everything you go through "worth it".

  • Tell the stories that move you forward

    We don't live in our lives. We live in the stories we tell about our lives. Do you want to be victim or victor? Tell the story that takes you there.

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Sage Support

You’re ready to reinvent yourself, your coparent dynamic, and your family on the other side of divorce. I'd love to help you move from heartbreak to happiness. A life coach, instructor, and author, I am passionate about supporting you in making divorce an empowering journey that helps everyone in your family thrive.

  • Coaching

    Let’s take your power (and your life) back!

    I believe divorce can be a powerful path to greater happiness and wholeness.

    And I’m committed to helping you make this crossing—so everyone in the family can thrive.

    As your coach, I will support you in establishing the attitudes, systems and strategies that serve you best in cultivating the life, family, and self you want.

    Learn more about coaching
  • The Coparent Cure E-course

    Move from conflict to collaboration, so the whole family thrives!

    You can change your coparent dynamic by changing yourself—no matter who your coparent is or what happened in your marriage. Take a 3-week online journey to gain the tools, strategies, and attitudes that help you:

    • Take a stand for what you want and value
    • Communicate and navigate conflict more effectively
    • Get more of what you want
    • Move from breakdown to breakthrough
    • Collaboratively raise happy, healthy children

    Together, we’ll begin to make the crossing from heartbreak to Happily Ever After 2.0.

    Learn more about the e-course

Get your free guide

Cure Coparent Conflict

Simple strategies and scripts
to move you from conflict to collaboration.

Send it to me!

About Sage Cohen

Hi. I’m Sage—an author, life coach, entrepreneur and single mom. I’m passionate about helping you make divorce the most powerful and positive transition of your life. Learn more >

Fierce on the Page

Make writing your crucible of transformation. My new book shows you how. Get yours >

Sage Coaching

For writers seeking intensive, individualized support in accelerating their writing process and results, I offer individual coaching. Learn more and apply >

Sage School

I offer online classes to help poets and writers produce and publish their best work. Learn more >

Sage Cohen Global

Since 1997, my creative campaigns, content marketing, and catalyzing copy have helped many top Fortune 500 companies change the conversation. Learn more >